The One Thing You Need To Change : Fear

What has to happen in our lives to make us look at who we are, where we are, and what shape our current reality is in? 

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
— Steve Jobs

Do we really have to hit rock bottom, become clinically depressed, or face a life-or-death situation before taking off the blinders to look around at what we have created for ourselves? Do we have to wait until we are on our deathbed looking back over our life at all of the regrets for the things we wished we'd done, only now our time has gone and passed? 

pin me for later!

What if instead, we simply decide that right now, on our own terms, we are taking a long, hard, truthful look at ourselves and choose to be the best version of ourselves and live our dream life now. Why wait for a rock bottom critical mass moment to realize the fear holding us back isn't worth it. Because it is fear that keeps us from pursuing what we really want or who we really want to be.

For so many of us, it isn't until a situation or incident occurs that really shakes us to our core and frightens us into realizing we are more afraid of never living our truth or happiness than the fear of going for something and failing (at first) or of what others may think of us. 

You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life.
— Rumi

Imagine what this world would be like if every beautiful human being lived to their potential because they chose to not be afraid. Would there be more kindness, love, generosity, would there be less pollution and violence? 


01// Who do you desire to be? 

02// What do you desire in life?

03// What are you here to experience?

04// What are the fears that hold you back?


 Take a long look at yourself, and know that you are enough. That you have everything inside of you to become the very best version of yourself and to go after your dreams. 

The trick is knowing that becoming your best self and going full-throttle after the life you desire is going to be messy and involve failure. Absolutely! Just know and settle into the fact that is how the process works and how it works for every successful person out there. The success stories? They decided the mess and failures are worth the payoff at the end, and I believe they are right. 

Go after your life. Right now!

xx Sarah


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