The One Filter That Will Improve Your Life

I spent many of my younger years doing a lot of things I actually didn’t want to do. None of it was morally bad, I would go to events or parties I wasn’t interested in, spend time with people I didn’t actually enjoy, or get involved with projects I had no real passion for.

I did a lot of these things out of a sense of obligation. I didn’t enjoy it. I would leave the event or finish the project with a sigh of relief and feel a little worse than when I got there or started.

The feeling of being drained out of obligation bothered me. Eventually, I realized that everything I did either gave me energy or it made me feel drained. I decided I didn’t want to feel drained. Drained is not the desired feeling. *It’s important to note that being drained is not the same as feeling satisfyingly tired. Feeling satisfyingly tired is actually a great feeling.

It took me a few years to figure this out, but once I began implementing this one filter to every decision of my life- my life improved and I felt a lot happier.

The One Filter That Will Improve Your Life:

Does this give me ENERGY


Does this DRAIN ME?

Does this give me energy or does this drain me? This is the filter I run everything through before making a decision. At first, I had to intentionally ask myself this question but over time the question became a natural, reflexive part of my lifestyle. It’s an automatic filter.

Give it a try yourself. When something comes up in your life, especially something you’re feeling hesitant about, run it through the filter and see if that helps you make decisions that improve your life.

xx Sarah


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