Sleep Well Tonight | 12 of The Best Sleep Tips

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I like to sleep. I am very partial to my bed. I'm sure you like to sleep as well. That's a good thing because it turns out sleep is pretty important. 

According to an article by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, insufficient sleep can contribute to health issues such as heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. We're also at a higher risk for obesity, and as if that isn't bad enough not getting enough sleep also impairs our driving!  Check out the full article here to discover just how detrimental it is to our health and happiness to be sleep-deprived.

Yikes! There are serious consequences when we don't get enough sleep! 

And let's not forget how sleep affects our gorgeous faces. WebMD states " Skimp on sleep and our complexion can look drab, ashen, or lifeless." It's not called Beauty Sleep for nothing! 

Now that we've explored how terrible it is to not get enough sleep and we all agree we'd like to improve our precious hours of zzz's, how do we do that?

I've got you covered! As I stated above, sleep is one of my favorite things. I have made it one of my missions in life to make sleep a sacred part of my life and I'm excited to share with you my favorite tips!

Let's dive into my best sleep tips!

1 // Dim the lights in the evening to signal your body to get ready to create melatonin (a hormone that helps you to sleep). Extra bonus points if you change your evening light to amber lighting. 

2 // Go into the settings of your phone and set your backlight to automatically dim from sunset to sunrise.

3 // Take an Epsom salt bath. If you don't have the time for a bath (perhaps you don't have a bathtub) take a magnesium supplement like this. Magnesium relaxes the muscles which can help lead to better sleep. Waking frequently and restless sleep can be from low magnesium levels.

4 // Before bed enjoy a soothing cup of tea designed to help you have a wonderful night of sleep.

5 // Perhaps tea isn't your thing? There are many great sleep supplements and aids that help your body be optimized for sleep. 

6 //  Use high-quality essential oils at bedtime. Place a drop of lavender, which is known to be relaxing or a blend created for sleep on the palm of your hand and rub your hands together, bring your hands to your nose and inhale deeply for a few moments. Placing a drop of your favorite bedtime essential oil on the bottom of your feet is also a great way to get the benefits of the essential oil (due to all of the pores on the bottom of your feet).

7 // Spray a lovely relaxing bedtime mist on your pillow and enjoy the aromatherapy benefits as you sleep.

8 // Add a weighted blanket to your bed. The weight (weight of the blanket is determined by your body weight) has been shown to increase serotonin and help to relax the nervous system. It's like being gently hugged while falling asleep.  

9 // If there is still light in your room when you go to bed wearing a sleep mask can be a lifesaver. I use this one every night. 

10 // I live in an apartment building so having a sound machine is a must! I fall asleep to the sound of softly falling rain instead of slamming doors, loud neighbors, or a barking dog. 

11 // If you or your partner struggle with snoring using a mouthpiece or chin strap can make all the difference! 

12 // My last tip may not help you sleep but I consider it to be essential for bedtime so I thought I'd sneak it in. Use a satin or silk pillowcase to help keep your facial skin from developing sleep lines and wrinkles and your hair from getting frizzy and roughed up.

Now you are ready for a long, blissful night of sweet sleep!

xx Sarah 


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