The Moons Enchantress: A Moonlit Journey through Hygge Poetry and Nature's Magic

Join me on a journey through the mystical world of poetry and nature.

"The Moon's Enchantress," is an homage to the serene beauty of a moonlit night and the ethereal magic of nature. It is a celebration of the whispers of the forest and the dance of the stars, as it reminds us to slow down and embrace the present moment.

So sit back, snuggle up with a warm cup of tea of coffee, and let the enchantment begin!


The Moon's Enchantress


In the heart of the forest, where whispers roam free,
By the grace of the night, there she waits silently,
A mystical presence, the Moon's own decree,
Her eyes, silver mirrors, reflecting the sea.

Glowing and glistening, she dances with grace,
Her luminescent gown drapes in celestial lace,
A crown of pale moonbeams adorning her face,
A vision of beauty, she weaves through the space.

Her voice, a nocturnal hymn, serenades the trees,
The wind, her companion, plays notes with the leaves,
The stars, her admirers, they watch as she weaves,
A story of life, of love, and its eves.

Her dance, a symphony of light and dark,
A ballet of shadows cast by her spark,
She spins and she flickers, a luminous lark,
Her message, a secret, a mystical arc.

In the night, her whispers, they echo and roam,
She shares her gentle wisdom, a celestial tome,
A guide for the lost, an ethereal home,
A beacon of hope, through darkness we comb.

As the night reaches its peak, the enchantress ascends,
Her dance becomes frenzied, her message transcends,
A crescendo of passion, the forest attends,
The power of the moon, its beauty portends.

In the arms of the trees, she wanes and she waxes,
The spell of her presence, the night never lacks,
The enchantress, the Moon, her allure never slacks,
In the heart of the forest, her mystery tracks.

A poem by Sarah K Voiles

xo Sarah


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