Cats and Small Children | 25 Ways They are The Same

I absolutely adore my kitties. My oldest, Paris, is 15 yrs old. She's been with me most of my adult life and has been with me through everything. I'm convinced she has no idea she's a cat and just thinks she's my roommate. I've had her since she was just 6 weeks old. My little shadow. She demands constant attention and talks to me constantly, telling me all about her day and what's on her mind. 

Berkeley is 8yrs old. He's my shy, moody, teenage boy. He wants you to think he doesn't need a lot of love but at the end of the day, all he wants is snuggles and to be told he's a good boy.

I got Berkeley for Paris. For a time, I had a job that required me to travel quite a bit.  I would have someone check in on Paris every day that I was gone but it wasn't enough. She hated being alone and I would come home to crazy amounts of cat hair that she had shed out of stress. So, I realized she needed a buddy. 

One day I was at the pet store picking up supplies for Paris. It just happened to be a pet adoption day and there were kittens from the local Paws there. I had no intentions of getting a kitten that day but decided to peak at them just for fun. Well... that's not what ended up happening. I walked by the glassed-in case of kittens and one little kitten saw me, launched himself at the window, crying to me. Heart. Melt. Of course, I had to go in and see the little guy. Obviously, that little guy ended up coming home with me. 

I brought him home and Paris immediately took over mothering and raising him. Today they are completely inseparable.

But that's not actually the point of this story. People mention to me all the time how great they think it must be to have cats because they are so easy and low maintenance. Ummm.... not mine. Mine behave just like 2 yr olds. A. Lot. Of. Work!

I've had cats for 15yrs and have worked with small children for 17yrs. I've decided that cats and small children have a lot in common!

Cats and small children:

01// Do not clean up after themselves. 

02// Have no shame when they misbehave.

03// They only come when called if they want to.

04// Take naps.

05// Constatnly want snacks.

06// Leave their toys everywhere.

07// sleep with their favorite toys.

08// Are demanding when they want something.

09// Never say please.

08// Or thank you.

09// I have to clean up their poo.

10// Have to wash their blankies.

11// I have to clean up their spit-up.

12// Give them snuggles.

13// Constantly buy new toys.

15// Don't like to share.

16// Make the stinkiest poos when guests are over.

17// Can't stand it when the attention is focused elsewhere and not on them.

18// Won't let you get any work done.

19// Picky eaters.

20// Wake you up all hours of the night and early morning.

21// Shy around new people.

22//They will let you snuggle and hug them only when they're in the mood or it.

23// Messy eaters.

24// Get into things they shouldn't.

25// Constantly have to tell them "leave your sister alone!"

These two are rascals, and I love them for it!

xx Sarah


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